Saturday, November 22, 2014


Essence: Sweet children, if you want to remove your defects (khaami), tell the Father about them with an honest heart. Baba will show you the way to remove those weaknesses (kami) Question: Which children receive the Father’s current? Answer: Baba gives drishti to the children who tell the Surgeon honestly about their illness. Baba has a lot of mercy for those children. Internally, He feels that that evil spirit of the child should be removed. Baba gives such children a current. Essence for Dharna 1. Have a heart-to-heart conversation with the Father for a minimum of eight hours and do spiritual service with great coolness and humility. In order to be successful in service, let there be no evil spirits of Maya within you. 2. Talk to yourself: Everything that I see is going to be destroyed. We will go to our home and then go to the land of happiness. Blessing: May you be a great soul who transforms attitudes with a vow of determination. Slogan: In order to be saved from waste, sew a button of determined thoughts on your lips.  Synopsis: Sakar Murli November 22, 2014 1. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, also called called Khuda and Allah, comes to make you perfect. Check within yourself to see if you have any weaknesses because all of you have to become perfect. He explains: You have evil spirits which cause you a lot of sorrow. Tell the Father, the Surgeon, about them: If you speak, the Father will show you the way to remove them. There is only the one Father who chases away the evil spirits wisely. 2. The eyes are very deceptive, and this is why the Father also explains: Consider yourself to be a soul and also instill the practice of considering others to be souls. All souls are brothers. There are no bodies. You also know that all of you souls are going to return home. There cannot be suicide of the soul; there is suicide of the body. Souls exist all the time. They go and adopt new lives, that is, they take other bodies. 3. You may do your business for eight hours and rest for eight hours too. Then you can have a heart-to-heart conversation with this Father for eight hours and also do spiritual service. Whenever you have time, go to the temples of Shiv Baba and Lakshmi and Narayan and do service there. You can go to anyone but you have to speak with great coolness and humility. 4. Lakshmi and Narayan are samples of those who are completely viceless. There is no question of conquering the five vices in other schools. A long rosary and a big tree of Shiv Baba is created. By remembering all of these things, you will only remember the Father and there will very quickly be progress. 5. The main thing is the pilgrimage of remembrance. The arrows of those who stay in yoga will strike the target. If you stay in remembrance very well you can receive whatever you ask for. Nature will become your servant. Your face will also become so attractive that there will be no need to ask for anything. 