Saturday, January 21, 2017

Murli 20 January 2017

20/01/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban

Sweet children, constantly have thoughts of service. Become a knowledgeable soul. Don't waste your time.
What are the signs of knowledgeable children?
They remain constantly engaged in service. They experience happiness in donating the imperishable jewels of knowledge. The Father is also pleased with them. They never waste their time with unnecessary food and drink. They never cry. They are never proud of having given knowledge to someone. They always say that Baba gave that knowledge.
Have mercy on those who are unhappy, o Mother and Father of ours!  
Om Shanti
You children now know that Baba had mercy and is once again being merciful. Who is the One who has mercy? Then, who would be merciless? You truly know that at this time. The Father had mercy for Bharat, that is, He made Bharat like a diamond and gave it the elevated deity sovereignty. You now understand who it was who gave the fortune of the kingdom to Lakshmi and Narayan. Definitely, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, created creation. The world doesn't know that the deities claimed their inheritance from the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. The people of Bharat had self- sovereignty. The Father had mercy for them and so they are asking for it once again. Who was the merciless one you met who made you unhappy, poverty-stricken and corrupt? People continue to burn his effigy every year. That Ravan caused you sorrow. People create an effigy of someone who has caused them sorrow or distress in order to seek revenge and to insult him. The Father says: All of them are impure. They consider themselves to be impure, but then they also consider themselves to be God. It was printed in the papers that, 3000 years before Christ, Bharat was the land of angels. First, there were the deities, then those of Islam came and then the Buddhists came. The calculation has been explained to you children. Two religions also came in the middle. The people of Bharat believe in the idols and this is why the questionnaire has been created. It is very easy to explain using this. However, those who don't have knowledge are said to be senseless. You have to listen to the knowledge and then relate it to others. Although there are other types of service, that is physical service. Some are commanders, some are generals and others are infantry. To cook food etc. is also service. You also definitely receive the fruit of that. Such ones understand that they are serving knowledgeable souls. Those who do service are seated in the heart and everyone praises them. It is definite that the Father deeply loves knowledgeable souls. This doesn't mean that He doesn’t love others. The service that everyone does is visible. If some ask Baba whether they are seated in Baba's heart, Baba could tell them. However, what would those who simply continue to take service receive? Although they will become part of the kingdom, they won't receive a status. You can also do a lot of service of your friends and relatives. The main thing is that there has to be the concern to do service. Don't waste time unnecessarily. Baba calls such ones senseless. Baba explains such good points to you. The questionnaire is very good. Jagadamba, the World Mother, is the goddess of knowledge. The empress is Lakshmi; she is the empress of the golden age. The praise of the World Mother refers to this time. You children have to have deep dharna. Only when you have a very strong stage can you be seated in the heart. In a school, too, students are seated in the heart, numberwise. There is variety. These are very good points which have to be explained. The World Mother cannot be called the goddess of wealth. This one is the World Mother who has been given knowledge by God. Therefore, Saraswati has been remembered as the goddess of knowledge. At this time, she is the goddess of knowledge in that name and form, and it was with this knowledge that she attained a status. She had attained knowledge in her past birth and that was how she became Lakshmi. Lakshmi in her previous birth was Jagadamba (the World Mother). The significance of what she becomes in the past, present and future is very clear. Each aspect is very good. How Lakshmi takes 84 births and where she takes them etc. are all things to be explained. There is happiness in explaining these things. There is also happiness in making donations. The Father donates the imperishable jewels of knowledge to you, and so you should do the service of donating to others. Don't just run around after Mama and Baba. Become engaged in service, for only then will Baba be pleased. Knowledgeable ones remain engaged in service. Those who don't become engaged in service are said to be senseless. They think that they are not in Baba's heart. Sometimes, there are many wasteful thoughts about food and drink. The aim and objective has been written very clearly on the board outside. It is written: This is the Godfatherly University of the Purifier. You are once again receiving the inheritance of health, wealth and happiness for 21 births from the Father. The full occupation has been written on the board . There is the image of Shiv Baba and also the image of Lakshmi and Narayan. The aim and objective has also been written, but they don't understand anything and they don't even ask anything! A shop would have a name written on it: This is a milk shop, this is a shop of so-and-so. There is never a board at a spiritual gathering. That automatically becomes well known. The board that is put up here says: Here, you receive teachings to attain a deity status for 21 births. However, it still doesn't sit in their intellects and so they come in and ask: What is your aim? They don't read the board which would enable them to understand our objective. They should see whose shop this is, but they don't know anything. They have named Adi Dev, Mahavir, Hanuman, but they don't know who he is or when he exists. You children need to have courage to explain to others. If someone who has vices explains, the arrow will not strike anyone. If the arrow does strike someone, it is Shiv Baba explaining. The explanations given by those who have defects will not touch anyone. It is Baba who comes and gives someone drishti and knowledge. No one should think: I gave knowledge to this one so well that he was transformed by the knowledge I gave. That is wrong pride. Those who have the habit of crying are unable to give knowledge to others. Such a person is like a widow. She would never think that she should give knowledge to others. It is the Father who benefits others. Those who cry go into degradation. You know that you are going to become deities who are cheerful. If you cry, it is because you have performed wrong actions which deceive you. Even good ones cry. Then, when Baba has to uplift someone, He Himself comes and gives drishti. Those who cry are widows. On the one hand, you say that you belong to Rama and then you cry, which means that your Rama has died. That means your intellect's yoga has broken from Rama, that you have turned away from Him. A very good stage is required. Although someone may be impressed, it is through Baba's power that that person is impressed. There cannot be any mistakes in whatever Baba says because the Father is the Truth. If any such words do emerge, the One who puts right anything wrong is also sitting here. A very good intellect is required to understand this. The Father is present on service. He also has to look after the children. Since you call yourselves BKs, He also helps. Some BKs cause a lot of damage. Baba knows this and the students also know it. Sometimes, the activities of someone are not good and so they write: Baba, call this one to you. You children have to give your bones like Dadhichi Rishi did. Some move along as though they are the boss. The Father explains: There are bad omens in earning this income too; the omens continue to change. Sometimes there are the omens of Jupiter, sometimes auspicious omens, sometimes other types of bad omen. Then they are completely crushed. Baba explains very many good points. Tell them: You are very intelligent and well educated. The full aim and objective is written clearly on the board. Only when they understand the aim and objective would they come inside with that intoxication. It is written that you receive this inheritance of the sun and moon-dynasty kingdoms from God, the Father, for 21 births, for 2500 years. Some understand very well because customers are numberwise. All of these are Shiv Baba's shops. The Owner is only One. There will be hundreds of thousands of these shops. Sannyasis have so many shops. They even have shops abroad. People abroad believe that only the sannyasis give knowledge and teach the ancient yoga of Bharat. However, this is not so; only the Father gives this. No human being can give this knowledge, for they removed the name of the One who gave it and put the name of the child instead. You prove that sannyasis and hatha yogis do not know anything. Only God, the Father, who establishes heaven, explains this. Someone wrote to the Pope: You went to Bharat on a pilgrimage, but you didn't understand this pilgrimage properly. Now, if you say so, we can send someone to you. Those people would not come here because they are very concerned about their positions. The poor ones come here. It is said that Christ is in a beggar form. At this time, we too are beggars. We are going to become princes from beggars. Although some may have a lot of wealth, they are still beggars. It is said that Christ is a beggar, so he would definitely come to take this knowledge in his poverty; they all have to salute Him. This is the time of settlement. All the accounts are to be settled. The first one to salute Him is also sitting here. They too will come. Your sun and moon-dynasty kingdoms are being established. The main picture is of Lakshmi and Narayan. Their pictures have continued: The First, The Second, The Third etc. Our pictures are destroyed. There are no accurate pictures. In the Dilwala Temple, there are the images of the World Mother and Lakshmi and Narayan. However, no one knows that the goddess of knowledge becomes the empress. She must definitely also have children. Study is a source of income. Brahmins study and become deities. This is so clear! The Father says: I have to show (reveal) the children. It isn't that someone receives the fruit of another. No; all the children will receive the fruit of their own efforts. "I am doing service!" However, that is the fortune of the one whom I am giving dristhi to. People don’t know who the world mother is or what reward she received. The Father explains: Sweet children, it is inauspicious to cry. This is the home of the unlimited Father. How can those who cry then serve others and make them laugh? Here, you have to learn how to laugh. To laugh means to smile. You mustn't laugh loudly. So many teachings are given. So many points are explained. Day by day, the knowledge is becoming easier. You also continue to receive strength. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, numberwise, according to your efforts, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
Essence for Dharna:
1. Never show pride in yourself. Give your bones in service as Dadhichi Rishi did.
2. Remain constantly cheerful. Never cry. To cry means to be a widow. Therefore, continue to smile. Don't laugh loudly.
May you be a constant embodiment of success and give and receive blessings by keeping a balance of self-progress and service.
Just as you are moving ahead a lot in service, similarly, also pay full attention to self-progress. Those who know how to keep this balance constantly give and receive blessings. The attainment of this balance is blessings. It is not possible that those who keep this balance would not receive blessings. With blessings from the Mother, the Father and the family, you can continue to move constantly forward. These blessings are your sustenance. Simply continue to take blessings and give everyone blessings and you will easily become an embodiment of success.
To become an image of virtues and make others that is a very great donation.