Saturday, January 21, 2017

Murli 22 January 2017

22/01/17 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 12/01/82

The upliftment of the world depends on the souls who are images of support.
BapDada is looking at souls who are images of support for the world. You are the most elevated souls who are images of support for the world. Only you elevated souls experience your ascending and flying stages. Therefore you become instruments for uplifting the whole world. The desire of attaining liberation and liberation-in-life of all souls for many births is automatically fulfilled. You elevated souls become instruments to open the gates to liberation, that is, to your home. This is how all souls find the destination of their sweet home. The peacelessness and sorrow that they have experienced for a long time finishes because they become residents of the land of peace. Souls who are deprived of the inheritance of liberation-in-life receive this inheritance of liberation. The Father makes you children, you elevated souls who are images of support, the instruments for this. BapDada always says: Children first, then I. The children are in front and the Father is behind them. It has always been like this. Do you move along considering yourselves to be images of support for the world in this way? You elevated souls, you images of support, are in the form of the roots with the Seed. So BapDada comes to celebrate a meeting with such elevated souls. You are such elevated souls that you make the incorporeal One and the subtle one become corporeal - into the same form as yourselves. This makes you so elevated! Do you perform every action whilst considering yourselves to be this? At this time, by becoming embodiments of remembrance, you will definitely become embodiments of power. When you pay attention to this one thing, all the tension of limited things automatically finishes. Any type of tension will be transformed into attention when you pay attention to this. This self-transformation will then easily bring about world transformation. This attention works such magic that all the various types of tension of many souls finish and their attention is drawn to the Father. Nowadays there are many facilities of science so that something just has to be switched on and all the rubbish everywhere is pulled towards that machine. They don’t need to go everywhere, but everything is automatically pulled by its electrical power. Similarly, with this power of silence and the powerful form of your attention, all the tension of all souls will finish. This means that those souls whose tension, which has keep troubling them even after they have been making a lot of effort to remove it, will experience it to have automatically finished. Who finished it? When they experience this, their attention will automatically be drawn to the combined form of you Shiv Shaktis.

Therefore tension will be transformed into attention, will it not? At the moment you have to draw their attention again and again. You say: Have remembrance. Have remembrance. However, when you stabilise in the powerful form of images of support, you will become the true pilgrimage place that removes their tension and draws their attention. At the moment you have to go and find them. You create so many inventions in order to find them, but, at that time, they will come to find you. Or, will you always be searching for them?

Science is very helpful to you elevated souls in this elevated task. You must make yourselves so unshakeable that when there is a little upheaval, you will see how you become spiritual magnets and attract many souls. Day by day, souls will become so weak that they won't even be able to make the effort to walk on their own two feet. You souls, who are the form of power, will give such souls feet through your own power and make them walk, that is, you will draw them to the Father. By becoming constantly experienced in such a flying stage you will enable many souls to fly away from their sorrows and memories of peacelessness and enable them to reach their destination. They will have to fly with their own wings. When you yourselves are the form of power, you will become the true pilgrims and make all of those souls pure and enable them to attain liberation, to reach the sweet home. You are such images of support.

Therefore, today, BapDada is seeing the children who are images of support. If the supports continue to shake, how can they be supports for others? Therefore, become stable so that the upheaval of the world can begin. Even the slightest upheaval will easily attract many to the Father. On the one side, Kumbhakarna will awaken, on the other side, souls who have been in relationship or connection with you and have gone to sleep in the sleep of carelessness will awaken from that sleep. However, who is going to wake them up? You souls who are the unshakeable images of support. Do you understand? The form of service is going to change in this way. For this, constantly remain in your form of Shiv Shaktis. Achcha.

To those who are constant embodiments of peace and power, to those who remind others of the Father with their powerful stage, to those who finish tension and draw people's attention, to the children who are world transformers and images of support for the world, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

Avyakt BapDada giving love and remembrance to all the children for the 18th January.

The love and remembrance for the 18th January is to become an embodiment of power of the 18 chapters. What does the 18th January remind you of? The perfect angelic form. It reminds you of the lesson “Follow the father at every second and in every thought”. Are you experienced in this? Where is everyone on the 18th January? In the corporeal world or in the subtle, angelic world? The 18th January constantly reminds you of the angelic form and the awareness of the angelic world. It makes you into a form of power. It is the day of remembrance and is therefore the day to become an embodiment of remembrance. So, do you understand what the 18th January is? Constantly become like this. Repeatedly remind yourself of this. Therefore the love and remembrance for the 18th January is to become equal to the Father, to become the complete form. Achcha. The love and remembrance of this awareness will reach everyone in advance. Only those who have conquered their physical senses have a right to the kingdom of the world.

How many instruments do you use in order to come into sound and to listen to sound? Even BapDada has to adopt the instrument of a body in order to come into sound. However, in order to go beyond sound, one has to go beyond the world of all those instruments. Those instruments only exist in this corporeal world. In BapDada’s subtle region and in the incorporeal world there is no need for any instruments. How many instruments do you use in order to come into sound for service? Someone who has the practice of stabilising in the stage beyond sound can go beyond all of this in a second. Have you developed such a practice? Do you experience such controlling power and ruling power within yourself to come into sound one moment and go beyond sound the next? Even when it comes to the power of thoughts, you need to be able to have whatever thoughts you choose, whenever you choose, and to be able to expand on them whenever you want and to merge all expansion into a full stop whenever you want. Are both the powers to start and to stop within you in equal measure?

You, who have total control over the kingdom of your physical senses, do you experience the authority of your kingdom? Is your authority of the kingdom higher or is the authority of your physical senses, that is, your subjects, higher? Have you become Prajapati (The Lord of your people)? What do you experience? As soon as you say "Stop!", they should stop. Let it not be that you say “Stop!” and they start. Give a signal through your eyes to the power that makes all your physical senses work and let them function as you want. When you become a conqueror of your physical senses to this extent, you can then become a conqueror of nature; you will remain seated on the seat of your karmateet stage and also claim a right to the kingdom of the world. So, ask yourself: Have I taken the first step of becoming a conqueror of my physical senses? Does every physical sense function and say to you, “Yes, my Lord!”, “Yes, I am present!”? Do they constantly welcome you? Do they salute you, the one who has the right to that kingdom? Do all your subjects salute and bow down to you, their king?

Hey, you who have a right to the kingdom, what are the activities of your kingdom like? Do your ministers and deputy ministers ever deceive you? Do you check the activities of your kingdom? Do you hold court in your kingdom every day or only sometimes? What do you do? The sanskars of ruling your kingdom here will then work there in the future. Do you check whether at present you, the soul, have the sanskars of ruling a kingdom, that is, whether you have the sanskars of subjects or of one who has a right to the kingdom of the State, that is, whether you have the sanskars of ruling a limited kingdom or the sanskars of an unlimited world emperor - or an even lower status than the sanskars of a maid or servant? You were also told in the sakar days about the sign of those who are to become maids and servants. Those who remain unhappy by being influenced by any problem or sanskar, that that sign of unhappiness means to become a maid or servant. So, who am I? Check yourself in this respect. There isn’t a wave of any type of unhappiness, is there? Even now, to be unhappy means to be a servant. Therefore, how could such a soul be called a ruler of the kingdom?

Similarly, there will also be wealthy subjects. Here, too, some haven’t become kings, but they have become wealthy subjects. This is because they have many treasures of the jewels of knowledge and they have also accumulated a huge account of charity by doing service. However, they don’t have the controlling power or the ruling power at the right time to be able to make themselves into embodiments of success, that is, although they are knowledge-full , they are not powerful. They have all the weapons, but they are unable to use them at the right time. They have all the stock but they are neither able to use it themselves nor are they able to inspire others to use it. They know the rules but they don’t know the way. There are souls with such sanskars. They are souls with the sanskars of being wealthy. They are definitely constantly close companions of the souls who have a right to the kingdom, but they themselves do not, because they do not have a right over themselves. Do you understand? Now, examine yourself and see what you have become at the present time. Even now, you can change yourself. The whistle for the setting of the final seat has not yet been blown. You have a full chance. What do you tell others? "If not now, then never!" This is because you have to have these sanskars now for a long time, not just for the last moments. Therefore, this group of double foreigners should become a group of chancellors, those who take a golden chance. So, which group do you belong to you? Achcha.

Today, it is the turn of America and Australia. So, which group do both of you belong to? Which groups have you brought? What do those from Australia think? Are you a group of chancellors? What do the Shaktis from Australia think? The Shakti Army is no less! It is because of the Pandavas there, that the Shaktis are Shaktis. Both of you are moving along at your own speed. Are there more Shaktis or more Pandavas in Australia? (The two are equal in number.) Shaktis are taking a little rest at the moment. Later they will fly more. This is why they are resting, is it not? However, each one has to claim number one. Many do this. They take a rest in-between, and then, after a while, they go fast and reach their destination. Achcha.

To those who are constant conquerors of their physical senses, conquerors of their nature and conquerors of their subtle sanskars, that is, those who conquer Maya and who have a right to self-sovereignty, to those who have a right to the kingdom of the world and who belong to the royal dynasty, to the Raj Rishi souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.

BapDada meeting the Australian group:

BapDada remembers you children more than you remember Him. BapDada turns the beads of the rosary of you children every day. Even though you sometimes miss remembrance, BapDada would never miss remembering you. Each of you beads has your own number. You are in the rosary. How many times BapDada must have turned the rosary of all of you! BapDada has always been proud of those from Australia. Why? Because those from Australia recognised the Father and have shown the foremost record of making the Father belong to them. Whether in terms of numbers, in terms of expansion or in terms of quality, you are ahead of everyone, and you look after everything very well. This is why Australia is no less. Although, London still has more Bharatwasi souls, all of you in Australia are number one in recognising the Father, whilst hidden behind a curtain. This is why BapDada loves you. Do you understand?
May you be respected by all and easily achieve success with your speciality of humility.
The easy way to receive respect from everyone is to be humble. The souls who always conduct themselves with humility achieve success easily. To be humble is self-respect. It does not mean to bow down but to make everyone bow down with your speciality and love. According to the present time, this is the main way to achieve success constantly and easily. Those who are humble in their every action, relationship and connection become victorious jewels.
Imbibe the power of knowledge and then, instead of attacking you obstacles will be defeated.